The Anesthesiology Department Program offers a one-year position for anesthesiology research. Historically, this position has been filled by either residents or newly graduated medical students seeking an opportunity to do research in the field of anesthesiology and critical care. This position is a non-ACGME accredited position but follows all of the ACGME, GME, and departmental rules and policies.
At VCU Anesthesiology, this PGY-1 level research resident gets the opportunity to develop and implement a clinical or basic science research project involving project development, IRB submission, patient recruitment, data collection and analysis, and manuscript. The research resident also develops skills to critically evaluate scientific literature and understand statistics and epidemiology while concurrently leading several projects in various subspecialties. These include, but are not limited to, cardiac anesthesia, regional anesthesia and pain medicine, obstetric anesthesia, and patient safety/quality. As the research resident collaborates with the anesthesiology attendings, Ph.D. team, and residents, s/he also becomes an invaluable resource to the current anesthesiology residents and medical students who have ongoing projects. The necessary funding and other resources are provided by the anesthesiology department to the research resident to present their work at local, regional, national, or international scientific meetings
Research Residents
VCU Anesthesiology Residency

Ezoza Rajabaliev, D.O.

Ezoza Rajabaliev, D.O.
Department of Anesthesiology
Undergraduate: Virginia Commonwealth University
Medical: Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship: Anesthesiology (VCU Medical Center)